A Proud History of Pseudoscience

I love it when people think they are part of an elite group, only to find themselves challenged by the limitations of their own thinking. One such group you can find anywhere on the internet. These people may be very intelligent, but may also be somewhat entitled in their canned way of thinking. The weird thing is, many of these people call themselves scientists! If there ever was a group of people to be without bias, scientists need to be that. Unfortunately, many push their opinions as fact and attack others for seeking truth in observation and standing apart from the crowd.

This is how pseudoscience came to be known. When presented with facts outside of the comfort zone of many, people performing cutting edge research can find themselves pigeon-holed into this category. It is a way of discrediting others, even bullying then – simply for thinking outside of what is accepted my the mainstream. It has been going on for millennia. I want to talk about a few examples so we can determine when we see someone attacked in this way, if they are leading scientific progress or simply following procedures blindly.


Many great philosophers can be credited for critical thinking well before science was even around. Aristotle, Socrates, Archimedes, Euclid. These people didn’t publish in peer-reviewed journals. There were none! Someone had to pave the way! Thus, we have a basis for math, geometry, and astronomy. While the mainstream was dominated by religious oppression, many took to the underground in the days of alchemy. Copernicus waited until his death bed because of his fear of persecution. He predicted objects orbiting the sun. Galileo was persecuted and jailed for discovering this. It was outside of what was accepted by the mainstream, thus pseudoscience.

I wonder if Newton published in peer-reviewed journals. He is credited as the father of science and invented calculus to describe his orbital theories. Who checked his work at the time? What if he just followed convention instead? One of the greatest minds of the early 20th century, Albert Einstein, was once a patent clerk. He didn’t have academia behind him when he published a book on general and special relativity. But he did anyway! His work may have been lost, had it not been noticed by James Clerk Maxwell, father of electromagnetism theory. These people worked outside the mainstream to advance our knowledge. Yet if they were to do this today, they would by called pseudoscientists and probably lumped into unrelated categories with ‘climate change deniers’ or ‘antivaxxers’ or worse – anti-GMO free thinkers. This is why independent thinking is critical!


I have been observing the mindset of the scientific community. We have come a long way, but great scientists still face even greater opposition with new ideas. Some are repressed in our education system. We are taught that Einstein’s theories are inconsistent with quantum theories. We should be taught the truth in school, not the lies. M-Theory incorporates several string theories and relativity. Parallel universes and quantum time are natural consequences of quantum physics, based on sound science. Yet, we still have a hard time believing the true nature of our universe. We can overcome our limitations!

This lack of faith in groundbreaking new thought is really a reflection of our own personal blocks. It is limiting beliefs that prevent progress. This is why I speak of the importance of viewing infinite possibilities with an open mind and letting the data – not the beliefs – lead us to conclusions. Why do I care? I am one of the crazy ones with new thought. I found that the Big Bang Theory can be complete with a model incorporating actions before the Big Bang happens. Yet according to Stephen Hawking, events before the beginning of time would be of no consequence. I challenge the convention!

Will my work be considered pseudoscience? You bet! Like Einstein, I published a book about this new scientific proposal instead of the ‘traditional’ route of peer-reviewed journals. Why? Because I want to reach a wider audience. I don’t want scientific mumbo-jumbo only for those who understand it and have access to these journals. Science is for everyone! I repeat, SCIENCE IS FOR EVERYONE! Let my knowledge be dispersed to those in academia as well as those who are not as fortunate. Let each individual make up their mind. The data we already have show us that there is more to the universe than what we know. Let’s take this new information, explore, and discover for ourselves!

And remember, you are the most important part of the process. Science is to advance our understanding and make our lives better. So please don’t fight it! Trust your intuition. Learn to spot the signs of negativity from ego-based thinking and transcend to thinking from your higher consciousness. The understanding is already built into you. We are just starting to find out in science, like a newborn baby opening its eyes for the very first time. Much to learn, there is. Thank you for reading and sharing the wisdom!


Life begins when you step outside of your comfort zone.