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Forgive those who unknowingly or knowingly act upon their social conditioning, whether it be politics, religion, business, or other ideology. Create space for them to awaken from their programming on their own. You can allow them to speak freely. But you ain’t gotta listen if it don’t resonate with your soul! In another time like this, white supremacists rallied at a town where I once lived. People were enraged. They were planning protests, then a miracle happened. Word spread quickly that no one was going to go. Instead of protesting, not a single fuck was given that day. The KKK marched to an empty town and didn’t come back! Their toxicity feeds off of other negativity. It starved that day. What you focus on, you give your power to. What you resist persists. You cannot fight anger with more anger. Anger physically hurts you when you hold onto it. So wouldn’t you rather find ways to empower yourself, love yourself, and find peace within right here and now? It’s so much easier that way!
