The Science of Love

What does it mean to be in love? Each person might have their own definition. Some may see codependence, whereas others may see freedom. Some may see partnership, yet others might have a sense of individuality. Some may see love of families and communities. Some will feel total unconditional love for all things. There is no wrong answer. Love is simply what we make of it.

Throughout history, humankind has sought to separate ourselves from the rest of the animal kingdom based on abilities like thought and love. It was once thought that animals were not capable like we are. We studied our own social structures. We tried to understand our own complex behavior. Today, we delve deeper into the psyche. Deeper into the inner-most neural networking of the brain. Even deeper into the energetic fields of the heart and consciousness.

In the body, the brain acts as a receptor. In modern studies, we have found how it responds to certain chemicals, creating the feeling of love. In 1989 Kellerman, Lewis, and Laird conducted a gazing experiment, finding that people experienced feelings of love with perfect strangers in only two minutes. Gazing into another’s eyes produces phenylethylamine in the body, a chemical signal of love. In addition, more recent studies have shown the positive effects of long hugs and snuggling. This produces oxytocin in the body, a powerful hormone associated with feelings of love.

Is love merely chemical reactions from physical stimulation? Is there more to love? When we think of love, where specifically in the body do we feel it? If you said in the heart, you are one of countless others with this feeling. What role does the heart play? We all know it’s what keeps us alive. But so does the brain. How does the heart, a biomechanical pump, make us feel love? Is there something that we aren’t seeing?

The truth is, the heart generates invisible fields. Circulating the iron in our blood creates a magnetic field centered at the heart. This field embodies attraction – magnetism. Honor this field when you hug, for it becomes congruent simply by touching hearts. Hug with left ear to left ear. The rest is automatic! The heart also has it’s own complex nervous system for communication with the body. So the heart can literally feel when the brain signals. The two work hand-in-hand!

And if you think that’s amazing, the heart is also the principle energy center of the body, also known as chakra. This is the most powerful of our energetic centers. Similar to how the beautiful, vivid colors of a spectrum combine to form white light, the heart chakra focuses the body’s energy. What is this energy? Studies actually have found evidence of these energy centers, but have we been able to describe what it is yet?


Perhaps the heart energy center is merely a connection. The invisible thread that connects us to all things through love could originate here. Let’s add another layer of perspective. The iron in our blood is iron forged in fusion reactions of stars’ own life cycles. Iron was spread trillions of miles, billions of years ago. It’s everywhere. And it’s vital to life. Cellular life on Earth started with electron transfers from iron sulfide (pyrite). We evolved from these processes. On that path, we also kept pieces of that evolution. We have plant DNA in our genome. We are more than human.

The deeper we look within, the more we find that we are not separate. Everything is connected. These connections give us consciousness – not just within us, but around us! We exist in fields of pure thought, creating our reality around us by shaping our perceptions to our beliefs. When we believe in love, this is the signal we are sending out into this field. And the universe responds to this stimuli with more love! This is universal love. Unconditional love. In billions of years, stars and biological life have refined this love into ways to create life, procreate, and be happy. This process is pure love! Science is the exploration of love.

Thank you for reading and sharing the love in this field of consciousness.


Love is in the air. Love is all around you. Love is what you are 🙂

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