What Does the Illusion Mean?

What will you do when you get to Heaven? And where will you go from there?

Right now you’re invited to look at those who excel at pushing themselves to the limits, beyond what ordinary people can do. There’s something they all have in common. They are continually striving to take themselves further. Even the greatest champions. Is climbing one mountain enough for one that’s driven to climb? S/he’ll keep going, climbing other mountains, traveling the entire world to do so.

On a spiritual level, we are all champions. The world of the living is our mountains. And your soul, dear ones, is striving to be the absolute best it can be. Your soul moves mountains. You just might not see it that way. Yet. This will show you why:

Everybody is on their own journey.

Where you are on your journey is just as unique and different as you are. That’s the beauty. Maybe you’re a new soul embarking upon this journey for the very first time. Maybe you’ve championed several mountains and your going for more. It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey as long as you keep going.

Not everyone does. Or so it seems. You may be woke. Or so you might think. You most likely have the knowledge applied in your life right now so you know you’re here on purpose. You might have already awakened to several layers of reality and social conditioning. None of that matters. The people claiming to be woke are still dreaming from other levels of existence. That’s why I’m a dreamer.

Just know this one thing: When you are on your path, all of the knowledge and wisdom available to you at any time on your journey is available at any time.

Because time is part of the illusion.

Every mountain you climb brings you experience and all you have to do is know this from the perception position of your soul. Because here all time is available. All of your lives are available. Everything is available to you on your path and you can apply it in the present to create a better now.

You don’t have to be awake because this is the dream.

When we use this term to see others in a different light than ourselves, we’re judging and that’s holding ourselves back. And that’s part of the illusion. When we see ourselves each on our own path in eternal time where infinite knowledge is available, we see that we are all connected. Just like how everything in this universe is intimately entangled.

Entanglement is born from the illusion of separation.

Judgment is born from the illusion of duality.

And your soul, dear ones, is born from infinity.

The illusion is born from your purpose.

It’s meant to teach you.

The illusion isn’t bad. It’s not a trick. It’s not a secret. It’s your guidance. It’s not supposed to make sense. It’s supposed to teach you how to put the pieces together in the way that only you know how. That’s why your journey is just as unique and beautiful as you are.

We perceive things as separate even with the knowledge that all things are connected. Why? To come back to one. To step into your fullest potential of Christ/Buddha/universal consciousness. And all you have to do is be compassionate. Love unconditionally. Love your lessons. Love yourself. Love every beautiful soul in a way that makes them free.

So you’re going to have challenges not to teach you that–to allow you to experience it.

Wanna qualify those as the illusion? That’s fine. Wanna see it as your lesson plan? That’s your karma. It’s like time–we perceive it moving forward. And in reality, it’s simply all of your lessons available to you at exactly the time that’s perfect for you. It’s moving mountains. It’s becoming the champion of each one and striving for more. It’s what you do.

What it all comes down to is this–you create your experience in the living. You create your reality.

The universe is programmable. Customizable. As are you.

You can change the way you see things, and then the world around you changes. You can see the best in those around you, and that brings out the best in them.

There’s a science to what’s going on here.

You’re the universe experiencing herself. Perceiving yourself. Living as love. Because all things are love. The universe is born from a singularity–a single point particle that contains everything.

When the Big Bang occurred, space was created for life to happen. That’s the illusion of separation right there. And there lesson is that from this illusion, all things attract. We experience attraction with our emotions and call it love. All things really are love!

And space was created from nothing, but it’s not nothing–it’s everything. Everything’s in it. And all energies are conducted through it.

Space is the canvas upon which you paint your reality.

You choose the colors. You choose the textures. Here’s where you’re creating your life. You’re programming your lessons to be played out beautifully in the realm of the living. You’re moving those mountains exactly where they need to be, and you are becoming the champion of them.

And time, dear ones, was put into the equation by you, so you can climb each mountain, one at a time, gathering all of life’s lessons that you put on each one.

Yes, it’s an illusion. And what is the reality? It’s that you are the Creator, and you’ll always be creating more. And loving yourself through all of it.

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
